Seminar “Disruptive technologies in ...
Seminar “Disruptive technologies in coffee production”
- 04/04/2019 at 08:30 a.m.
- Recorded on April 4, 2019, 8:30 a.m.
8h30 - 9h00 Welcome coffee
9h00 – 9h10 Opening session of the 20th Università del Caffè Brazil Seminar
Professor Dr. Decio Zylbersztajn - School of Economics, Business and Accounting/University of São Paulo
9h10 – 9h50 Presentation of the researches:
Disruptive technologies in coffee production Verticalization in coffee cultivation Professor Samuel Ribeiro Giordano
Climate Change, Agriculture and Coffee: Identification of Research Directions in Brazil
Illycaffè and Flexible Strategies: A Case of a Resilient Company Professor Christiane Leles Rezende De Vita
9h50 – 10h20 Keynote Lecture Virtuous agriculture: A new R&D strategy for a regenerative and beneficial agriculture
Dr. Andrea Illy - illycaffè
10h20 – 10h50 Debate
10h50 – 11h00 Publication launch: Cadernos da Universidade do café Brasil
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