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Testes Javascript com Jasmine, com ...
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Testes Javascript com Jasmine, com Flávio Muniz
- 11/07/2015 at 02:15 p.m.
- Recorded on Nov. 7, 2015, 2:15 p.m.
É uma palestra técnica que ensina as melhores maneiras de se escrever testes javascript com jasmine.
My name is Flavio Muniz, I have 27 years old, single, I’m web developer, working in area most 9 years, already working with the best developers the Brazil of the best enterprises. I started working with ASP developing systems for banks Itaú and Unibanco. Currently working with Front-End and Back-End used Ruby on Rails and PHP. I have a strong knowledge of Javascript, jQuery, PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL, I have focus and determination in what I do. I enjoy spending confidence and show results.
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My name is Flavio Muniz, I have 27 years old, single, I’m web developer, working in area most 9 years, already working with the best developers the Brazil of the best enterprises. I started working with ASP developing systems for banks Itaú and Unibanco. Currently working with Front-End and Back-End used Ruby on Rails and PHP. I have a strong knowledge of Javascript, jQuery, PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL, I have focus and determination in what I do. I enjoy spending confidence and show results.
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